Ionic Authentication
Authentication screens included in this Ionic starter app.
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Authentication screens included in this Ionic starter app.
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The authentication screens included in this ionic template are:
sign up page
log in page
forgot password page
terms and conditions modal
privacy policy modal
In the authentication forms you can find a show-hide
password custom component super useful for mobile screens. Learn more about this component here.
You can find the code of this component in src/app/components/show-hide-password
Please note that Facebook, Twitter and Google login are not implemented in this page. They are implemented in the Firebase Authentication section.
Form Validations for password can be found inside the Forms & Validations section of the template.
Each of these pages has a Form with the inputs required by the page such as username, email and password. We use Angular Reactive Forms from @angular/forms
Angular reactive forms, also known as model-driven forms, offers an easy way to use reactive patterns and validations. They follow the reactive programming style that supports an explicit data management flow between non-UI data models (frequently retrieved from a server) and a UI-oriented form model that keeps the states and values of HTML controls on the app screen. Learn more here.
For the terms and conditions and privacy policy modals we use the Ionic Modal Controller. It's super easy to use and customize. Basically you need to create a Component for the modal you want to show and then just display it using the Modal controller. You can find the components we created for these modals in:src/app/privacy-policy/
and src/app/terms-of-service/
As we mentioned before, we don't use any specific backend for this template. However, if you are going to provide a custom email/password authentication you will need a backend for this. You can try Firebase Firestore Database and use this tutorial as a guide.